Welcome to Winchester Class
Please follow our class twitter page to keep up with the latest updates for our class: https://twitter.com/LeasStAndrews2
Also don't forget to follow the school twitter page: https://twitter.com/LeasStAndrews
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/leasinghamstandrews
Microsoft Teams
Winchester Class will be using Microsoft Teams. Please read the documents below.
Information Letter
Microsoft Teams Policy
Teams Internet Safety Poster
Spring Term 2025
Home and Away
Happy New Year to everyone in Year 2!
We look forward to hearing about everything you've done over the Christmas holiday and the presents that Father Christmas has given you.
Our topic this term is 'Home and Away' which is a Geography based topic. We will be creating a simple map of our local environment using basic map symbols. Through looking at maps and aerial views, we will learn about Lincoln and the key physical and human features that can be found in the city. Additionally, the children will learn that the United Kingdom is made up of four distinct countries, each with their own capital city. Moving away from the UK, the children will be looking at the seven continents of the world as well as the major oceans, The Equator and the North and South Poles. The children will then look at Africa, with a particular focus on Kenya. They will find out about the Kenyan city of Mombasa and a Maasai village, identifying features that are similar and different to Lincoln, including looking at the jobs available.
For this term, our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Friday.
For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through our curriclum outline below:
Curriculum Outline Spring Term 2025
Autumn Term 2024
Marvellous Materials
Welcome back Year 2!
I hope you've had a fantastic holiday and look forward to hearing about all of the exciting things that you've done.
Our topic this term is 'Marvellous Materials' which is a Science based topic. We'll be investigating the properties of a range of materials and discussing their suitability for making everyday objects. This knowledge will then be applied to our Design Technology work, where we'll be making Plop the Owl from the book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We'll also be using this book for some of our English work.
For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through our curriculum outline below.
Curriculum Outline Autumn Term 2024
Where possible we will share photographs of our activities or some of the work we've been doing.
For this term, our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs S Walker
Open Classrooms Presentation September 2024
Our first week in Y2
We have had a great first week in Year 2 and it has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back in the classroom. We have been getting to know our new routines, explored our new classroom and have been to have a look at the building site so that we know what the strange noises are - the digger and the dumper truck have been very busy this week!
In science, we identified the different uses for some common materials and in RE we discussed what it means to be kind and whether it is possible to be kind all of the time. We thought of some situations where we might find it tricky to be kind and why.
Class Worship 11.09.24
This week in our class worship we have been thinking about our Christian value for this term - thankfulness. We wrote a prayer as a class to put into our school prayer book. The prayers from across the school are then shared during whole school worship. Below is our prayer for you all to read.