Welcome to Norwich Class

 Keep up to date and in touch via:

St. Andrew's School twitter page:  https://twitter.com/LeasStAndrews

class twitter page: https://twitter.com/LeasinghamY5

 Microsoft Teams

Norwich Class will be using Microsoft Teams as a learning platform of communication between children and their teacher for homework and class information. Please read the documents below.

 Information Letter     /       Microsoft Teams Policy    /   Teams Internet Safety Poster


  Spring Term 2024/2025

To Infinity and Beyond and Invaders 

Happy New Year Norwich class we hope you had a fantastic Christmas break.  Welcome back to the Spring term and our new topic.  This term we split our topic across the two terms.  Firstly, we are investigating Space, heading out to "Infinity and Beyond".  Then after half term we head back in time to the Vikings and Anglo Saxons period in History investigating their invasions and the growth of that historical time.  

PE for this term will be on Monday and Friday.

  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or worries. I very much look forward to conintuing to work togrther with you and your children throughout this year.  

 Mrs M Coote


  For further information on the curriculum content this term, please click on the link below:

 Y5 - Curriculum Newsletter Spring

space anglo  viking 


January 2025 - Maths

This term in Maths, we have been focusing on deepening our knowledge and understanding of fractions. Our work has included adding and subtracting fractions, where we’ve made important connections to our knowledge of factors and multiples.

By exploring these links, we’ve developed a stronger foundation for solving fraction problems and gained greater confidence in tackling more complex calculations. The hard work and determination shown by everyone in class have been impressive, and it’s wonderful to see the progress we’re making!


January 2025 - English

In English, we’ve been using the book Gorilla by Anthony Browne as inspiration for our narrative writing. This heartwarming story follows Hannah, a lonely girl who loves gorillas and wishes for her dad to spend more time with her, perhaps by taking her to the zoo. 

As part of our writing, we’ve been exploring and incorporating a range of creative language techniques, including personification, similes, metaphors, alliteration, and repetition, to bring our stories to life with detail and excitement.  

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed delving into Hannah’s journey and are looking forward to writing and sharing the ending of our own stories. Stay tuned on our class webpage for some truly imaginative and expressive writing!


January 2025 - NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay Safe 

As part of the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay Safe. programme, we were given the task of designing an information poster for primary school children. We carefully considered the key details to include, such as Buddy the mascot, the Childline number, the importance of having a Safe Adult to talk to, and recognising different types of abuse. Keep an eye out for some of our finished posters displayed around the school!


Autumn Term 2024/2025

The Victorians 



Welcome back to the Autumn term; I hope you all enjoyed the Summer break.  We are looking forward to lots of interesting learning and hard work in Year 5 this term.  

Our main topic for the term is 'The Victorians' with History being a significant focus. We will be stepping back into the 19th century to find out who Queen Victoria was and what she was like. We will also be discovering what life was like for the Victorians through exploring some of the social and technological advances of the time, as well as looking at leisure, the arts and entertainment.  Through this historical topic, we will then investigate artists from this era and finally create our own Victorian dolls house.  

Our PE days this term will be Monday and Friday children will be expected to come dressed in PE kit that day.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or worries and I Iook forward to meeting you all at our class Open Classrom event on Wednesday 11th September. I am very much looking forward to working with you and your children throughout this year.  

Mrs M Coote


Please click on the link to find out more about our learning this term:   

 Y5 - Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Open Classroom Presentation

October 2024 - Art

Continuing on our learning of the Victorian artist William Morris from earlier in the term, we have been creating our own prints, replicating a repeating pattern with a symmetrical design.  Firstly, we designed our print, then created the printing block using polystyrene tiles and a variety of other materials.  We are all very proud of all of our designs and below are just a few to share with you. 

art art
art art
art art
art art


October 2024 - PE

We have been extremely busy in our PE this term learning a new sport - LACROSSE.  We have thoroughly enjoyed learning to throw and catch using the lacrosse stick and even shooting in the goal.  We are looking forward to our house matches soon.  

pe pe 

Last week we thoroughly enjoyed the visit from an Olympic Swimmer- Joe Roebuck.  He was so inspirational and showed us the importance of being dedicated to your goals.  He also told us many stories about his perseverence and not giving up in the face of challenges.  

joe pe
jo jo

September 2024 - MacMillan Coffee Morning

Norwich class enjoyed taking part in the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning with a drink of squash and a delicious piece of cake.  Supporting this wonderful organisation is very important to everyone in our St. Andrew's family raising a wonderful amount of money whilst also living out our school vision of 'Everything we do, do with love'.


 September 2024 - History

Year 5 have already thoroughly embraced all things Victorian this term in both History and Art.  We started our History lessons by understanding when the Victorian era occurred.  It was here we learnt about Queen Victoria herself.  We discovered that she became queen at the young age of 18 and that throughout her life she had 9 children, 42 grandchildren and 87 great grandchildren.  Wow – we were astounded!  Having learnt so much about this wonderful queen we began to ask questions about the impact this era has had on our lives today – watch this space as we cannot wait to find out more. 

 hist  hist

September 2024 - Art

In our Art, we investigated some works of the famous artist William Morris, born in 1834, who was an English textile designer, poet, artist, and writer.  Carefully using our observational skills, we continued on drawing his beautiful patterns, considering shade, tone and details. These were beautiful and the attention to detail was amazing. 

 art art 

September 2024 - RE - Sanatana Dharma

We have been learning how to define commitment and the different things we are commited too: football, gymnastics, good behaviour choices, exercising more and practising our musical instruments.  Looking at different scenarios, we were able to understand how levels of commitment can look different for different people.  We learnt a formula which might help us with out own commitment in future.    

re re re

September 2024 - PSHE - Settling in to Y5

What a wonderful first few days we had settling back to school in Y5.  A class scavenger hunt was one of the first task, to find everything in our class that would help us with our learning.  Next we wrote "All about me".  We learnt where in the world we would like to visit, and what we liked about ourselves.  

pshe pshe pshe
















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