We are delighted to be back at the start of a new school year with so much excitement and learning ahead of us! Mrs Moseley (Class Teacher), Mrs Berry (TA) and Miss Coucam (TA) are the adults in the Reception Class. Sometimes we are joined by Mrs Concarr (TA) and Mrs Mansfield (TA) We are also called 'York' as each of our classes is named after a cathedral city! 




Take a look to see what we will be learning about...

SPRING TERM 2 2025 - Growing and Changing

This term we are thinking about how plants and animals, including humans, grow and change. We will be thinking about staying healthy and exploring how to look after our teeth and our bodies.

P.E. will move to a WEDNESDAY morning and will be dance themed with Mr Strange from Carre's Outreach this term. Please make sure the children are in PE kit each Wednesday.

Read our 'Growing and Changing' newsletter to find out more!







SPRING TERM 1 2025 - Animal Planet!

This term we will be thinking about the natural world and learning about a variety of different animals and their habitats as well as celebrating the arrival of 2025 and 'Chinese New Year'. 

P.E. will move to a TUESDAY for this term, so children will need to be in P.E. kit on this day.

Click on our curriculum letter below to find out more!



AUTUMN TERM 2 2024 - Once Upon a Time...

This term we will be thinking about traditional stories as well as exploring the celebrations of Diwali and Bonfire Night. There will be lots of excitment as we lead up to Christmas and rehearse for our special nativity play with Year 6.

P.E. will now be on a WEDNESDAY. Please come to school in P.E. kit on that day.

Have a look at our curriculum letter to find out more. Just click on the link below!




AUTUMN TERM 1 - Nursery Rhymes/Amazing Us!

This term we will be thinking about nursery rhymes, joining in with the ones that we know as well as learning some new ones. We will also be thinking about ourselves, our families and our friends as we learn all about the people who make up York Class.

P.E. will be on a TUESDAY. Please come to school in PE kit on this day.

Have a look at our curriculum letter to find out more. Just click on the link below...









SUMMER TERM 2 - Fun at the Seaside!

This term we will be thinking about holidays, the seaside, pirates, mermaids amd dinosaurs! Our driving question will be 'what makes a good holiday?' and we will be thinking about all of the things that we enjoy about holidays today as well as what holidays were like 100 years ago.

P.E. will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon, this term with Mr Strange from Carre's Outreach. We will be preparing for Sport's Day as well as playing lots of team games. Please make sure that your child is in P.E. kit for school each Wednesday.

Have a look at pour curriculum letter to see what we will be up to.



SUMMER TERM 1 - On Our Doorstep

This term we will be thinking about our local area and the special people, places and services within it. We will be exploring Leasingham as well as welcoming a whole host of visitors into our classroom to tell us about how they help us on a daily basis. 

P.E. will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon and this term we will be exploring many different styles of dancing! Please make sure that your child is in their PE kit for school each Wednesday.

Read our curriculum letter to find out more about what we will be up to...




SPRING TERM 2 - Growing and Changing

This term we are thinking about how plants and animals, including humans, grow and change. We will be thinking about staying healthy and exploring how to look after our teeth and our bodies.

P.E. will continue to be on a WEDNESDAY afternoon and will be with Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach this term. Please make sure the children are in PE kit each Wednesday.

Read our 'Growing and Changing' newsletter to find out more!




SPRING TERM 1 - Animal Planet!

This term we will be learning about all sorts of different animals and sharing some classic animal stories such as 'Dear Zoo'. We will be finding out where animals live, what they eat and how they are 'the same' and 'different'. 

We will alson be thinking about Chinese New Year and finding out which special animal will be celebrated in 2024.

P.E. will continue to be on a WEDNESDAY, so please make sure children come to school in P.E. kits on that day.

Read our 'Animal Planet' curriculum letter to find out more...



AUTUMN TERM 2 - Once Upon a Time...

This term our topic will be all about favourite stories and fairy tales. We will also be thinking about Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas! This is a very exciting term with so much happening every week :-) 

This term our PE day will be WEDNESDAY with Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach. We will be thinking about gymnastics. Please make sure that the children come to school in PE kit on WEDNESDAY of each week.

Have a look at our curriculum letter to find out what we have planned...

'Once Upon a Time...' Curriculum Letter




'Amazing Us!' Curriculum Letter



SUMMER TERM (2) 2023 - Fun at the seaside!

This term we will ba answering the question 'what makes a good holiday?' We will be taking in dinosaurs, mermaids and pirates along the way as well as thinking about tourist desinations near and far.

P.E. will move back to a WEDNESDAY with Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach and will focus on team games and preparation for Sports Day.

Please have a look at our curriculum letter to find out more!

'Fun at the seaside!' curriculum letter

SUMMER TERM (1) 2023 - On Our Doorstep

This term we are thinking about our immediate environment and all of the different places that make up our village. We will be exploring what is 'on our doorstep' and thinking about the people in our local community who help us.

P.E. will move to a MONDAY and will be Dance.

Please have a look at our curriculum letter to find out more!

On Our Doorstep Curriculum Letter



This term we will be focusing on how things change as they grow and we will be thinking carefully about how babies grow into adults, how caterpillars change into butterflies and how a seed grows into a plant. We will also be thinking about keeping healthy and learning about how to look after our teeth.

P.E. will move back to a WEDNESDAY morning with Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach.

Please read our curriculum letter to find out more!





It has been great to be back at school with our friends, working and playing together!













We used the loose parts to create our own beautiful snowflakes.



Animal Planet Curriculum Letter

This term we will be thinking about the different animals and habitats within our wonderful world as well as celebrating Chinese New Year. Click on the link to our curriculum letter above to find out more...

P.E. will move to a FRIDAY for Term 3, so children should come to school in their kit on that day.



Terrific Tales! Curriculum Letter

This term we will be thinking about traditional stories as well as celebrating Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas.Our role-play areas will be a Gruffalo Cafe and a Fairytale Cottage. Click on the link above to our curriculum letter to find out more...

P.E. will move to a WEDNESDAY with Mr Wilson, so children should come to school in their kit on that day.



Meet and Greet Sep 2022 

AUTUMN TERM (1) 2022

Nursery Rhymes/We are AMAZING!

This term we will be thinking about familiar rhymes that we can already sing, as well as learning some new ones. We will also be getting to know one another and finding out what makes us unique and amazing! Read our curriculum letter to find out more...



SUMMER TERM (2) 2022

Fun at the Seaside

This term we will be trying to answer the question 'What makes a good holiday?' We will be thinking about seaside holidays now and in the past as well as encountering some pirates, mermaids and dinosaurs along the way! Read our curriculum letter to find out more...

'Fun at the Seaside' Curriculum Letter June 2022


SUMMER TERM (1) 2022

On Our Doorstep

This term we will be getting out and about around our village, finding out what makes it uniques and about all of the different parts that make Leasingham. We will be welcoming some visitors to find out about how they help the local community as well as enjoying spending time in our school grounds as the weather improves. Read our curriculum letter to find out more...

'On Our Doorstep' Curriculum Letter April 2022


SPRING TERM (2) 2022

Growing and Changing

We are really looking forward to another term filled with learning after a well-earned half term break! This term we will be thinking about life cycles, changes in humans as we grow and seasonal changes around us. Have a look at our curriculum letter to find out more...

'Growing and Changing' Curriculum Letter February 2022



I hope that you have had a restful break and enjoyed some family time over the Christmas holidays. Our new topic for this term is based around animals, winter and Chinese New Year. There is lots of exciting learning to look forward to. Have a read of our curriculum letter to find out more...

'ANIMAL PLANET' Curriculum Letter (Spring 1 2022)

 February 2022 - Subject Revolution

On Friday 4th February we had a Maths focus day, this was part of the NSPCC Number day.  We were so lucky have Subject Revolution(https://www.subjectrevolution.co.uk)   in school to help us celebrate all things MATHEMATICAL!  They provided us with an exciting, modern, interactive and hands-on educational Mathematics experience for us all. 

York class helped Prince Lumino, who had been left in charge of Mathania and he was in big trouble.  Lumino needed help.  We had to work in teams and travel around the amazing new world created in our hall. We worked together in practical maths challenges to save our hapless hero.  We had to mend, build, fish, repair, sort, stack and even throw our way to success through this hands-on maths adventure.  

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'TERRIFIC TALES!' Curriculum Letter (Autumn 2 2021)

 This term we will be thinking about some fabulous fairy tales and learning to tell some from memory. We are very excited to continue our learning in phonics as well as working with Year 6 on our reading, writing and - maybe - a special seasonal surprise! Click on the link above to find out more...



'ONCE UPON A RHYME...' Curriculum Letter (Autumn 1 2021)


This term, our topic is 'Once Upon a Rhyme...'. We will be learning lots of nursery rhymes which we will perform together, as well as getting to know all about each other and our new school. Click on the link below to find out more about our topic.



* Please make sure that the children have a water bottle (water only please, no juice), a sun hat and their book bag every day. 

 * Please make sure that ALL uniform/P.E. kit is clearly named.

* PE will be on a THURSDAY this term. Children need to come to school in the correct PE kit on those days.

* Please check 'Tapestry' weekly for any important information or messages. Mr Hodgson may also text, email or tweet information about school, so please keep your eye on those, too.

* Follow us on Twitter - @LeasStAndrews 


November 2021 - Children in Need

It was lots of fun celebrating ‘Children in Need’ day with our friends and raising lots of money.

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November 2021 - Design & Technology

The children in York class had great fun making our own gingerbread people, carefully following a recipe. Thankfully, none of them escaped from the oven when we baked them! 

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November 2021 - Art

We started the new term by thinking about the festival of Diwali and the annual commemoration of Bonfire Night. We created Rangoli patterns and firework images.

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October 2021 - Harvest Festival

The children in York class joined the rest of the school for the Harvest Festival Celebrations at St Andrews church in the village. This was a special time for the whole school not only in celebration of the harvest being brought safely in but also because it was the first church visit for over 18months. A big thank you to Y6 who held our hands for our first walk to church.

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October 2021 - Maths

There has been lots of mathematical learning going on in our classroom using buttons! We have used our observational skills to sort and describe the buttons. 

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October 2021 - Phonics

We have started to learn our graphemes and phonemes using our new ‘Little Wandle’ phonics scheme. The children are very motivated to write and mark make during child initiated activities. 

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October 2021 - Colour Monster

 The children have enjoyed painting their own colour monsters and thinking about their emotions. The children have been so imaginative with their monster designs. Such an artistic class! 

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September 2021 - Reading Partners

What a perfect way to end the week. Our Year 6 children enthusing our youngest children with their love of reading!

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We have been delighted to welcome our new starters into school. What a fabulous start to school life they have made!




Click on the picture to go to our pupil page

pupil page