St Andrew’s Governors – Committed to Confidentiality
The following information on this page sets out information about the present Governing Body, including the names of members, the body by which they were appointed and the dates when their present terms of office come to an end.
All Governors, excepting those who are ex-officio members of the Governing Body, are appointed for a period of 3 years.
GOVERNING BODY 2024/2025 | ||
Name | Category | Office Ends |
Mr M Baker |
Headteacher |
Rev A Jenkins | Ex-officio | |
Mr N Johnson | Co-opted/Chair | 01/09/2027 |
Mrs L Khan | Co-opted | 29/01/2026 |
Mr J Berry | Co-opted | 12/03/2028 |
Mrs V Majer | Co-opted | 12/03/2028 |
Vacant | Co-opted | |
Mr S Zealand | LEA | 18/10/2026 |
Mrs A Simpson | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2026 |
Vacant | Foundation Governor | |
Mrs L Moseley | Staff Governor | 12/02/2028 |
Mrs S English | Parent Governor | 29/09/2027 |
Mrs P Gennery | Parent Governor | 31/01/2026 |
Vacant | Parent Governor | |
Mrs N Durrant | Clerk | |
Ofsted Report 9.3.2023
Ofsted Letter